This frequently asked questions section provides answers to some more detailed questions.
If you require any further detail, please contact Council on (02) 6767 5555 or 1300 733 625, or via
General Rates & Charges
What does Ad Valorem mean?
The term ‘Ad Valorem’ is commonly used in relation to charges meaning ‘at the value of’. This term – Ad Valorem – is specifically used in the Local Government Act 1993 referring to a rate (or cents) in the dollar amount, which is then applied to your property based on its unimproved land valuation.
This Ad Valorem rate (or Ad Valorem cents per dollar rate):
- changes annually on 1 July
- can be found in Council’s Statement of Revenue Policy
- land valuation is determined by the NSW Valuer General
The Ad Valorem rate is then used to determine the Ad Valorem Amount charged as part of a rateable property’s ordinary rates (plus the Base Amount).
For more information on what Ordinary Rates are and what your rates notice is made up of see our Understanding your rates webpage.
Why is interest charged on my notice?
If you do not pay your rates or water notices by the due date, interest is added to the outstanding amount as a penalty charge.
Interest charges on overdue debts is compulsory under Section 566 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the interest rate is set by the Minister each year.
The interest rate is disclosed on the front of your rates and water notices, and can be found in Council’s Statement of Revenue Policy.
Why do I get a waste Management Base Charge if I don't receive a collection service?
Waste management for the community includes more than just the collection and processing of waste from kerbside bins.
Council also incurs costs for activities like; waste education and minimisation including from public parks and reserves; chemicals and other hazardous materials collections; and the processing of green waste and other recyclable materials to be kept them out of landfill.
Landfill use fees are kept at a level to encourage responsible waste disposal but this income does not fully cover all of Council’s operating costs, hence all properties are charged a base amount to cover the cost of waste management for our community.
Properties that receive a collection service are charged an additional amount that fully covers the cost of collection and disposal of the direct services they receive.
What are postponed rates?
If you own land that you use for residential purposes or rural land but that is zoned for another purpose (such as mixed use or commercial) this can attract higher charges than you might expect.
In this case you may be eligible to have the additional portion (above the residential/ rural amount) postponed until a future date, only paying the residential/ rural rate when it falls due.
To qualify for a postponement of rates, you must be the person responsible for paying rates on a following parcel of land:
- Residential land with a single dwelling-house that is zoned: for industry, commerce, or the erection of residential flats; or to permit its subdivision for residential purposes; or
- Rural land that is zoned for: use other than farm; or subdivision into two or more lots or portions, one or more of which has an area of less than 40 hectares.
Postponed rates are calculated on the portion of the land value that the Valuer General determines is related to its zoned or permitted use.
Further details relating to postponement of rates can be found in Section 585 of the Local Government Act 1993.
For more information and/ or to apply, please review and complete this Postponed Rates Application Form (PDF 68.8KB).
Please contact Council on 02 6767 5555 or if you would like to discuss whether you’re eligible for postponed rates.
Land Categorisation and valuations
How is my land valued?
Land values assigned for rating purposes are supplied to Council by the Valuer General’s Office and are made at least every three years.
The Valuer General has published a fact sheet on land values and council rates that can be found here, which can help you understand the valuation system. It also includes the Valuer General's contact details for landholders to access more information or ask questions.
If you don’t agree with the valuation of your land, objections need to be directed to the NSW Government’s Valuer General. Regardless of whether or not an objection is pending, the rates levied must be paid by the due date indicated on the front of your rate notice to avoid interest charges accruing.
How do I appeal against the categorisation of my land?
If you don’t agree with the Council’s categorisation of your land, you can lodge an appeal to the Land and Environment Court within 30 days of the declaration.
Is any land exempt from rates and annual charges?
Only certain land classified as non-rateable is exempt from rates and annual charges.
In order to be eligible for exemption from rates and annual charges your parcel of land must fall into one of the following categories:
- churches
- minister's residences
- schools
- public land
- hospitals
- land owned and used by public charities
- other land as provided in the provisions of the Section 555 and 556 of the Local Government Act 1993
If you are dissatisfied with Council's decision on the categorisation of your land, you can lodge an appeal to the Land and Environment Court within 30 days of the declaration.
Rate hardship and rate relief
I'm having difficulty paying my rates and/ or experiencing hardship, what should I do?
Council recognises there are cases of genuine financial hardship requiring respect and compassion.
Rates and charges may be paid outside the instalment dates subject to terms and conditions, read more on our Debt Recovery Policy (PDF 114.1KB).
Council has a Ratepayers Hardship Policy (PDF 92.2KB) which provides guidelines for the assessment of hardship applications. Please also see the Hardship Rate Relief Application Form (PDF 308KB) including to note what supporting documentation is required for Council to make an assessment of any applications.
Are we eligible for the pension rebate if only one of us (partners) is a pensioner? Do we get the full rebate?
The applicant must be solely or jointly liable for rates and charges, and must occupy the dwelling as their sole or principal place of living. If one of the residents meets these criteria then the property may be eligible for the full rebate.
For more information on the pensioner discount (also known as the pensioner rebate) please refer to our Pensioner concessions information here.
Payment and non-payment, and overdue rates
When are my rates due?
For more information on rates due dates, please refer to our How to pay your rates > Rates Due Dates webpage.
What happens if my rates payment is late?
If you do not pay your rates or water notices by the due date, interest is added to the outstanding amount as a penalty charge.
Interest charges on overdue debts is compulsory under Section 566 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the interest rate is set by the Minister each year.
The interest rate is disclosed on the front of your rates and water notices, and can be found in Council’s Statement of Revenue Policy.
Is there a surcharge if I pay by credit card?
Yes, a 0.75% surcharge fee applies for credit card payments made to Council. This surcharge may vary when paying to your bank or another provider.
Where can I pay my rates and water bills?
Please refer to How can I pay my rates? page for details of all payment options.
What happens if I do not pay my rates?
Council's Debt Recovery Policy (PDF 114.1KB) details the process that Council will undertake to recover outstanding debts. Council does not issue missed instalment notices and does not commence any recovery action until;
- Amounts overdue exceed $1,000; or
- Two consecutive due dates have been missed and amounts overdue exceed $750.
At this point Council will issue a “Letter of Demand” giving 21 days to clear the overdue amounts or make an arrangement. If neither option is taken up by the ratepayer then legal action will commence without further notice by the issue of a Statement of Claim (summons). Legal costs associated with this debt recovery will be added to the property’s debt.
If due dates cannot be met, please refer to our Difficulty paying, rates relief and rebates information for alternative arrangements that can avoid additional charges and/ or debt recovery.
Change of details
What should I do if my address has changed?
Council must be advised of changes of address in writing. Please refer to Update your details.
I want my bill to go to a different postal address, is that possible?
Yes, however request to change an address must be made in writing. Please refer to Update your details.