In some instances, Council will require a RWMP based on the type of development due to its size, property attributes, location or proposed type of development. The following guide is to assist Council in understanding how essential services for resource recovery and waste management, are intended to be provided and whether what is proposed can be achieved for a residential multi-dwelling ≥ 6 units OR Residential Community title, Gated Community or Lifestyle Living Village.
Depending upon the proposed development, Council kerbside waste services may not be able to be provided. This WILL require the provision of private waste collection services to be organised by the developer, with ongoing service cost and maintenance managed privately, not reverting to a council paid system.
If this is the case, then services provided by a private licenced waste management service provider, must replicate Council’s kerbside waste management services provided to other residents at a minimum. This includes any state government mandated obligations such as future food organics (FO) collections (Council will provide FO as part of the garden organics (GO) services by 2030).
Council provides kerbside waste management services that predominately include the following suite of collections across most of its Council area (including providing the bin infrastructure):
- 1 x 240L general waste bin (red lid)
- 1 x 240L recycling bin (yellow lid)
- 1 x 240L garden organics bin (green lid) - (NB: Future collection of Food Organics by 2030 as above)
There are currently no food organics (FO) collections in the Tamworth Regional Council area, however there is a NSW State Government Mandate around food waste diversion in place currently. The FO service rules are beyond Council’s control as they are State imposed obligations. FO services will be available to residents in the future and therefore provisions must be included in replicated services.
If it is deemed that Council waste services cannot be provided, then the proposed development, is required to outline how adequate and safe services by a private waste service provider can be delivered safely for their staff and residents. Safety, practicality and locations of proposed infrastructure that will be used and/or any consolidation points will also be reviewed.
For this type of development, the purpose of the RWMP is to assist Council or an approved private licensed waste service provider, to understand:
- How a service provider can and would access to the proposed development.
- When and how waste collection services would be provided.
- What collection infrastructure would be used and who is providing this (if private waste contractor undertaking service).
- The number of proposed residences within the development and if there is a potential for future growth of those developments (i.e., stage 1, stage 2 etc).
- Identify the bin collection location or consolidation location(s) within the development.
- The bin storage and traversal journey to presentation of bins (if applicable).
- The educational signage that will be used in communal areas (if private waste contractor).
- If private collection service, what bin contamination management practices would be in place.
- If private collection service, how bulky household waste items from residents will be managed.
- The road layout and if there are potentially any turning or presentation issues.
- The road width and road surface durability for regular heavy vehicle utilisation.
- If the proposed development design, facilitates safe service delivery for a collection service provider, residents and property infrastructure (i.e., water meters, mail boxes etc).