Waste Education

Council employs a Waste and Resource Sustainability Officer who is available to speak with residents, students and teachers within the Tamworth Regional Council area. 

They can provide information about waste management generally and resource recover opportunities in our region. They can also arrange tours of the landfill sites as well as provide some available resources that might assist with improving recycling.

There is no fee for the Waste and Resource Sustainability Officer’s visit or advice. If you’re interested in arranging a visit for your school, business or community group, please submit your request via email to trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au with a few day and date options.

Council also participates in the following initiatives to help educate the community about waste, recycling, anti-litter campaigns and interactive learning:

Let's Talk Rubbish 

We work with a waste contractor to provide residents with their kerbside waste services, which may include a kerbside recycling, garden organics, garbage service. For more information on those service schedules and reminders of what you can put in your bins, here is Councils current Waste Collection Calendar (PDF 3.5MB).

Council also provides residents up to four waste vouchers per year and these vouchers are issued quarterly to spread access to these vouchers across the financial year and allows tenants and new owners of properties to potentially have access to those waste vouchers as well. It is noted that waste vouchers are not available for businesses.

It is really important that residents and businesses who use Council bin services, ensure that they get what goes in their bins, right!

Let's Talk about Likeable Recyclables

For residents and businesses with access to the kerbside recycling collection service, Council provides a yellow lid bin that is serviced fortnightly. Residents are encouraged to maximise their bin space and keep things that shouldn't be there (referred to as contamination) out of there. Items that are accepted include empty steel and aluminium cans, liquid paper board cartons, dry paper and flattened cardboard, aluminium foil trays and foil trays, empty glass bottles and jars, biscuit trays and fruit punnets, empty hard/rigid plastic bottles and containers and empty hard plastic container numbers 1-5.

It is essential for the recycling process that only the correct items go into the recycling bin. Incorrect items can cause many problems in the sorting process and may results in recyclables ending up in landfill.

Recyclables MUST NOT be placed in plastic bags. Plastic bags can do damage to the recycling plant machines.

Graphic featuring info of what can and what cannot go into recycling bins

Curby Soft Plastics Recycling Program

Tamworth Regional Council is participating in the Curby It soft plastics recycling trial where you collect all of your soft plastics in a bag and then apply your Curby tag and place it in your yellow lid recycling bin.
For more information on our Curby Program click here.

Other Recycling

Some items can't be placed in the yellow lid recycling bin but can still be recycled for FREE!

Click here to find out more

Red Bin

Residents and businesses with access to the garbage collection service are provided with a red lid bin. Any waste that is either not able to recycled or non-hazardous, can be placed in your red bin. Anything you put in the red bin ends up buried in landfill.

The red bin is collected weekly.

We all buy, use and consume goods every day and every one of us has a responsibility to manage our own waste at the end of this process. You use it, you dispose of it!

Council provides services and facilities to help our community manage their waste.

Green Bin

Residents who have access to a kerbside green waste collection service are provided with a green lid bin. Residents are encouraged to use this service when disposing of their small tree prunings (thin branches up to 1m long), flowers, weeds and grass clippings at home.

The green bin is collected fortnightly.

By using this service, residents are helping divert a large amount of green waste away from landfill, thereby reducing carbon emissions and saving valuable landfill space.

Green Bin - Yes and No list

Reduce and Reuse

  • Make less of the mess. Be a smart shopper, reduce your waste and save money.
  • Choose to reuse. Before throwing an item in the bin, think about how it can be reused.

Want more info?   

Flip through our Waste Services Guide (PDF 1.9MB) to make sure your recyclables are likeable and you get it clean in the green! 


The Waste and Resource Sustainability Officer can assist is providing information for school assignments on topics such as waste, recycling, composting and worm farming.

Please email trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au with your request and please ensure that you include your teacher on the email as well. Don’t forget to give yourself plenty of time to get in touch and source the information.

We also have a Glossary of Terms (PDF 105KB) for definitions on all things waste and sustainability.


The Waste and Resource Sustainability Officer is available to attend your school/class to talk about waste, litter, composting, worm farming or recycling. This can be arranged by filling out the School Visit Booking Form (PDF 32.5KB)  and submitting as advised on the bottom of the form.

Alternatively, if you would like to take your class on a tour of the landfill, this too can be arranged by completing the Application Form (PDF 60KB) and submitting as advised on the bottom of the form.