Waste Wagon

Tamworth Regional Council has recently launched a trial of new fee-based book-in bulky waste collection service known as Waste Wagon to support residents who are unable to take their own waste to the waste facility.

Waste Wagon is a book-in bulky waste collection service available to residents in the Tamworth region, the service will allow residents to book and pay for a Waste Wagon pick up when they need it.

Each booking of the Waste Wagon service, the resident must surrender one of their free waste vouchers and pay a subsidised fee of $25 including GST. Pensioners and concession card holders are eligible to receive a 50% discount by visiting any of Council's Customer Service Branches to provide proof of eligibility and to make a booking.

Council staff will use a vehicle and a caged trailer to collect the waste from the verge. The maximum load to be collected is two (2) cubic metres. Individual items must not be any heavier than 30kg and able to be lifted by two people.

Tamworth Regional Council (TRC) determined at its meeting on 13 August 2024 to continue providing the book-in Waste Wagon Service during 2024/2025 and review its continued provision in 2025/2026 towards the end of the 24-25 financial year.  

Bookings can be made online or in person at a Tamworth Regional Council branch.

Click here to book Waste Wagon      

Download the full list of Terms and Conditions here (PDF 129.2KB).

Suitable items for Waste Wagon:

  • Items MUST NOT weigh greater than 30kg (2 person lift, no mechanical aid)
  • Furniture & bedding (1 x mattress per collection)
  • 1 x Small fridge, freezer &/or air-conditioner (items that are less than 30kg)
  • Small electrical appliances
  • E-waste – e.g., computer, TV
  • Maximum 2 x car/4wd/motorcycle tyres per collection
  • Metal waste (individual items less than 30kg)
  • Items must be UNDER 2m in length and height.

Unsuitable items for Waste Wagon

  • Bags of household rubbish
  • Large fridges, freezer & air-conditioner (items that are more than 30kg)
  • Garden waste, rocks or soil, etc
  • Asbestos, concrete, bricks, etc (demolition materials)
  • Motor vehicle parts, transmission fluid or oil
  • Plate glass (i.e., window, door or fish tank)
  • Chemicals, paint, gas bottle, fire extinguisher
  • Partially/full container of liquid
  • Commercial waste or items from businesses