Liquid trade waste is liquid waste that is produced by a business, commercial or industrial activity. It does not include domestic waste from sinks, showers, baths or toilets.
Council may accept liquid trade waste into its sewerage system as a service to businesses and industry. However, Council sewerage systems are designed to transport and treat domestic sewage, so it’s important that trade waste is managed properly.
It’s important that Council ensure liquid trade waste is managed soundly to prevent damage to the environment, assets including sewage treatment facilities as well as public and worker health and safety.
Both trade waste dischargers and Council have responsibilities when it comes to the management of liquid trade waste. For full details, please download a copy of Council’s Liquid Trade Waste Policy (PDF 734KB).
All businesses discharging liquid waste into Council’s sewerage system must apply for permission. Please refer to the following information and application forms:
Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 sets out three categories of liquid trade waste Concurrence A, B and C.
To apply for approval to discharge trade waste into a Council sewer, you need to complete the appropriate application form. The Liquid Trade Waste Category Determination Checklist (PDF 160KB) will help you identify which application form you need to complete:
Liquid Trade Waste Tracking
Council is committed to protecting community sewer assets, the health and safety of workers and the environment. The electronic liquid trade waste tracking system helps to monitor the scheduled maintenance and disposal of grease trap and oil separator waste in the region.
The Wastelink system ensures that all business remain compliant with the service schedule as outlined in their liquid trade waste approval. If you’re a business or property owner and are unsure of your required service schedule for pre-treatment devices, Council's Water & Waste Division are able to provide that information, please contact Council directly. Council does not provide schedule information directly to service contractors.
Pump out contractors currently using Councils Wastelink system in Tamworth are, in alphabetical order:
- Cleanaway
- JR Richards & Sons
- Pump Um Out Paul's Liquid Waste
- Tamworth Septic & Liquid Waste
Liquid trade waste approval holders are encouraged to use one of the above contractors to ensure that their liquid waste service is reported to Council. Service contractors not listed above are invited to contact Council for tracking requirements.
Please note that prosecution and penalties may apply
Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires that all trade waste dischargers to a council sewerage system must have an approval from Council. This applies to both new and existing trade waste dischargers. A discharger who fails to obtain Council’s approval or fails to obtain Council’s approval or fails to comply with the conditions of approval may be prosecuted under section 120 (1) of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. In addition, Council may issue a penalty notice under section 222 of that Act.