General Policy Register

Tamworth Regional Council’s General Policy Register contains policies that are statements of principles and/or values that mandate or constrain the performance of activities used in achieving this Council’s goals. The policies are general in nature, have broad application and help to ensure compliance with: applicable laws and regulations; contract requirements; and delegation of authority by the Council and General Manager.

Click here to download General Policy Register (PDF 4MB)

The following policies listed in alphabetical order are included in Council’s General Policy Register:

  • Acceptance of Waste Generated Outside the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government Area
  • Access Ramps in the Central Business District of Barraba
  • Access to Information Held by Council
  • Airport – Advertising
  • Airports and Landing Strips – Landing Fees Credit Limit on Payment – Tamworth Regional Airport
  • Airports and Landing Strips – Leases – Tamworth Regional Airport
  • Apologies – By Council
  • Appeals – Street Appeals
  • Aquatic Management Plan
  • Asset Disposal Policy
  • Asset Management Policy 
  • Backflow Prevention Policy
  • Building Over Water and Stormwater Easements
  • Bus Shelters – Advertising
  • Cemetery Management Policy
  • Community Mowers for Use by Section 355 Committees
  • Competitive Neutrality – Complaints Management Policy
  • Complaints and Procedures
  • Contracts – Disclosure on Request of Information Contained in Council Contracts
  • Copyright of Plans
  • Corporate Branding Policy
  • Corporate Sponsorship
  • Council – Closure of Council Facilities over the Christmas/New Year Period
  • Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy
  • Country Music Festival – Raffle Tickets – Regulation of Sales in the Central Business District
  • Customer Service Charter
  • Debt Recovery
  • Developer and Contractor Public Liability Insurance Requirements
  • Discharge of Liquid Trade Waste
  • Drinking Water Quality
  • Dungowan Dam Trespassing
  • Electronic Lodgement Policy – Planning/Building and Subdivision Applications
  • Encroachments onto Public Roads
  • Enforcement of Parking Restrictions Policy
  • EV Charging on Public Land Policy
  • Financial Assistance Program – Section 356 of the Local Government Act
  • Financial Assistance to Community Groups and Organisations – Loans and Bank Guarantees
  • Floodplain Management Policy
  • Footpath Reservations – Works Undertaken by Adjacent Landowners
  • Footpaths – Use of Public Footpaths for Restaurant and Outdoor Seating
  • Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy
  • Gifts and Benefits – Councillors and Staff
  • Helicopter Operations
  • Investment
  • Kerbside Greenwaste Bin Contamination
  • Kerbside Recycling Bin Contamination
  • Low Flow (Trickle Feed) Water Supply
  • Media Engagement Policy
  • Naming of Council Facilities
  • Outdoor Fitness Trainer Policy
  • Ovals – Advertising Signs at Tamworth No. 1 Oval
  • Oversight and Liaison with General Manager Policy
  • Parking – Unrestricted Use of Metered Parking Spaces – Tamworth
  • Payment of Bond in Lieu of Constructions
  • Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors
  • Payment to Independent Members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
  • Policy for Awarding Freeman of the City or Key to the City of Tamworth
  • Pop-Up Public Art Decoration of Peel Street Trees
  • Procurement Policy
  • Provision of Information to Councillors and Interactions Between Councillors and Staff
  • Provision of Meeting Facilities for Visiting Parliamentarians
  • Public Art Policy
  • Public Gates and Grids on Local Roads
  • Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Minimum Cover
  • Ratepayers Hardship Policy
  • Reduction in Water Consumption Charges
  • Related Party Disclosures
  • Resident Funded Sealing Works
  • Restrictions on the Consumption of Alcohol in Council’s Parks, Reserves and Swimming Pools
  • Rural Addressing
  • Sanctions for Developers/Consultants Involved in Development
  • Scattering of Ashes in Public Parks and Reserves Policy
  • Sewer and Water Reimbursement of Developers for Sewer and Water Supply Infrastructure Outside Reticulation Areas
  • Sewer Discharge Factor Policy for Non-residential and Non-Rateable Properties
  • Sewer – Excavating/Filling or Building Adjacent to or over Existing Sewer Mains
  • Smoke-Free Environment Policy
  • Social Media Policy
  • Sport Event Subsidisation Policy
  • Street Lighting
  • Street Naming
  • Street Numbering
  • Tamworth Regional Council Liquor Licensing Policy
  • Tamworth Regional Council Public Interest Disclosures Policy
  • Tamworth Regional Gallery Collection Policy
  • Tamworth Regional Museums Collection Policy
  • Temporary Trade of Water Licence Allocations
  • Travel – Overseas Visits
  • Urban Tree Removal and Replacement Policy
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection Services – Multiple Unit Residential Developments
  • Waste Management Charge for Council Community Groups
  • Water and Sewer – Headworks Charges – Industrial/Commercial Development
  • Water and Sewer – Reimbursement of Developers for Construction of Water and Sewer Infrastructure Within Reticulation Areas
  • Water Consumption Charges Food Processor Category
  • Water – Meter Installation in Business Areas and Other Difficult to Access Areas
  • Water – Requirements for Provision of Reticulation Supplying Treated Water Under Trickle Flow Conditions
  • Water – Stopped or Inaccurate Water Meters
  • Water Supply to Residential Dwellings with no Reticulated Supply
  • Weight of Loads on Roads
  • Welcome to Country and/or Acknowledgement of Country
  • Westdale Recycled Water Policy
  • Year Round Care Policy Manual

The policies are categorised in the General Policy Register and are bookmarked individually in the Index of the document.  By clicking on a policy title in the Index, the document will navigate to the required Policy.


Tamworth Regional Council Code of Conduct

The Local Government Act 1993 requires every Council to adopt a Code of Conduct that incorporates the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW (“the Model Code of Conduct”) developed by the Department of Local Government.

Under section 440 of the Local Government Act 1993 Tamworth Regional Council must adopt a Code of Conduct that incorporates the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct and may include provisions that supplement the Model Code providing any supplementary provisions are consistent with the Model Code of Conduct.

For the purpose of compliance with Section 440 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Tamworth Regional Council Code of Conduct  (PDF 963KB) incorporates and comprises all parts and provisions of the revised Model Code of Conduct, which came into effect from 20 June 2008, and contains no supplementary provisions. Council has also published Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct (PDF 276KB).

The Tamworth Regional Council Code of Conduct comprises three Parts: Context, Standards of Conduct and Procedures: 

Part 1 - Context, establishes the purpose and principles that are used to interpret the standards in the Code. This Part does not constitute separate enforceable standards of conduct.
Part 2 - Standards of Conduct, sets out the conduct obligations required of Council officials. These are the enforceable standards of conduct.
Part 3 - Procedures, contains the complaint handling procedures, complaint assessment criteria and the operating guidelines for the conduct review committee/reviewer. This Part should be used to guide the management of complaints about breaches of the Code.