Climate Change
Climate change is a complex issue. While the causes may be disputed, there is general acceptance among the scientific community worldwide that there is an increase in global average temperatures.
The majority of international scientists agree that the increase in global average temperatures we are seeing is very likely due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. The main greenhouse gases produced as a result of human activities are the burning of fossil fuels for energy (coal, oil and gas), land clearing, decay of household waste in landfills and some aspects of farming.
To view scientific evidence for climate change, visit The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was formed by the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme.
What is happening in Australia?
The CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology released an updated Technical Report Climate Change in Australia in 2015. This report provides the most up to date assessment of climate change in Australia, and includes information from IPCC reports and other information sources.
Climate change will affect our environment in many ways including; increases to average temperatures, changes in rainfall patters, increased threat from bushfires and floods, negative impacts soil health and biodiversity.
For detailed information on how climate change will impact our environment, how we can reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and how our Nation and local communities can adapt to the effects of climate change, visit NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage’s Climate Change website.
How will climate change affect our region?
Climate change effects long-term weather patterns like rain, wind and temperature. In summary, the increased temperatures are projected to result in drier conditions across New England and the North West region of NSW along with a moderate decrease in winter rainfall and slight to moderate increase in rainfall in other seasons.
For detailed information about climate change and its impact on our region you can read the Summary of Climate Change Impacts: New England/North West NSW Region (PDF 6.2MB), NSW Climate Change Action Plan, NSW Government 2008.