Youth Council

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The Tamworth Regional Youth Council are the representative body for young people in our region. They meet monthly to discuss relevant issues in our community.

Youth Council members act as an advisory committee and respond to inquiries from Council regarding specific youth issues in the Tamworth region.


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They identify key priorities for local youth and initiate projects to help address these issues. 


For more information, contact:

Katey Alwell,
Team Leader Youth Services
Phone: 02 6767 5748

2021/2023 Youth Council Members

Meet the current members of Tamworth Regional Youth Council below:


Aimee Morris

Education, Human Rights, Community Engagement and Team Work

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?
To bring issues to light involving youth in the Tamworth region, as I am very passionate about creating positive change in my community and expressing important issues to the council such as mental health, lack of opportunities for regional children and the value of education in our region.


Dominic Fawcett

Mental health awareness, helping Tamworth’s youth through the vaping crisis, being part of a team and sport

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?
I am very interested in becoming a leader and discovering the positive impact I can have on the Tamworth community. I have a multitude of ideas for helping youth and I'm really looking forward to working with the Youth Council to find more innovative solutions to the large scale problems that are currently impacting local youth.

Kaida McManus

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?

I want to be a positive role model and representative of young people across the Tamworth region. I enjoy event planning and look forward to developing my skills, by working as part of the Youth Council to deliver a range of youth-led events.



Lara Cowley

Music, learning new things, law, and helping everyone in our community.

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?

Being a part of the Tamworth Regional Youth Council is an opportunity to represent not only myself, but my peers, friends and family. Having a voice for what action is taken in the community is integral, and by joining this Youth Council, I truly believe this is possible.

Luke Suter

Volunteering, active transport infrastructure, youth mental health, outreach youth services.

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?
I would like to participate in the Tamworth Regional Youth Council to close the divide between young people and the community through making volunteer opportunities more widely available to young people. Currently volunteer opportunities feel elusive and unattainable, which is incredibly unfortunate as volunteering is one of the best ways to give back to the community and has an amazing impact on the mental health of everyone involved.



Megan Swain

Mental health awareness, LGBTQIA+ representation, human rights and community involvement

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?
I've been a resident of Tamworth for over six years, and I believe Tamworth has many opportunities for youth to become actively involved in their community. I believe young people can offer a fresh perspective to the benefit of Tamworth Regional Council staff and Councillors. I'm looking forward to bringing my new perspective to the Youth Council and representing the thoughts and views of peers.


Sophia Hanson

Public speaking, advocacy, equitable opportunities and culture

I'm joining the youth council primarily to actively help contribute to creating positive change for the youth of our community. I believe this will be a rewarding experience, and will expand my knowledge, thoughts, and opinion through considering the viewpoints of my peers. I'm looking forward to making connections with other likeminded young people who I might not normally have the chance to interact.


Yvonne Sutton (Evey)

Different Cultures, Mental Health Awareness, Supporting Rural and Remote Communities, and Advocating for Youth

Why did I become involved in the Youth Council?
I would like to create change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander locals, promote change for Indigenous children and young adults in the justice system for crime, and represent the aspirations of the young Indigenous People, as well as those of different cultures in our region. I hope to be a leader for not only the Indigenous community but our community as a whole no matter their ethnicity, religion, or beliefs.













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