Tamworth Environmental Laboratory

Welcome to the Tamworth Environmental Laboratory, your local sampling and testing service provider to the Tamworth region and beyond.
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About us
Over 25 years of experience has helped us develop a reliable, flexible and independent service that provides excellent value for money to you, our customer.
Our National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditation allows us to provide a wide range of testing and sampling services. Our testing parameters include:
- General Chemistry
- Metals
- Nutrients
- Inorganics
- Water
- Algae
- Methane
- Microbiology
- Soils
- Asbestos
Tamworth Environmental Laboratory - A Unit of Tamworth Regional Council - Accredited Organisation (Site No. 3104) | NATA
What we do
The laboratory currently performs approximately:

We endeavour to provide a 7 to 10 day turnaround on all services.
While we specialise in water testing, including raw, potable, domestic, bore, recycled and industrial for EPA licensing requirements, we also provide sampling and testing of:
- Water Treatment Plants
- Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Reticulated Waters
- Raw Waters
- Trade Waste Facilities
- Effluent Re-Use Farms
- Landfill Depots
- Swimming Pools
- Rainwater Tanks
- Dams
- Soil
- Bore Water
We are also pleased to announce that we have achieved NATA accreditation for the following microbiological tests:
- Heterotrophic Colony Count
- Total Coliforms
- E Coli
For further information on the exciting new methodology for Total Coliforms and E Coli, click here (PDF 88.5KB).
Test Packages
The laboratory currently offers a number of test packages which have been developed to meet our clients’ needs and requirements, including:
Rainwater Tank - Drinking Water
Leaves, animal droppings, dust etc. that has accumulated on your roof and in your gutters can quickly degrade the quality of rainwater. We can offer bacteriology testing (Total Coliforms/Faecal Coliforms/E coli) to ensure your tank water is safe to drink. We are also able to offer other testing (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides) if you think you may have a particular issue.
For more information on rainwater tanks, click here (PDF 1.4MB).
The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011 also provide useful information on safe drinking water.
Bore Water
Bores can be a very useful source of water, particularly in times of drought. The quality of bore water can vary significantly depending on the depth of the bore and surrounding land uses. We test for pH, Conductivity, Salinity, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Chloride, Sulphate, Alkalinity (as Calcium Carbonate), Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness, and Nitrate/Nitrite. From these tests we can provide assistance in determining the suitability of your bore water for irrigation, stock or domestic use. Please note, that if bore water is intended to be consumed, we strongly recommend testing for bacteriology as per the drinking water package above.
Bores are particularly prominent on rural properties so for information on farm water quality and treatment, click here (PDF 1.8MB).
Sewage Treatment Plan (including home)
Ensure that your sewage treatment is working effectively and compliant with any license conditions. Typical tests are: pH, Conductivity, Total suspended Solids, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total nitrogen, Ammonia, Total Phosphorus, Nitrate/Nitrite, Oil & Grease, and Faecal Coliforms.
We can also offer health testing packages of swimming pools/spas, and can tailor a testing package to specific requirements. Contact us today to find out more.
We are able to offer assistance with general interpretation of analysis results against Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, NSW DPI guidelines for stock and irrigation and license compliance. It should be noted that information provided is general guidance and strongly recommend you seek professional assistance if you require information related to something specific.
For information on interpreting water quality test results, click here.
Microbiological Accreditation
NATA Accreditation has been granted as an extension to our current scope of accreditation for Thermotolerant (Faecal) Coliforms as a determinate and Samples for Microbiological Examination as a service.
Tamworth Environmental laboratory has held NATA accredited for the sampling of waters for chemical analysis for many years. Sampling of microbiological samples requires specialised techniques in sampling and transportation to ensure the sample is not compromised by contaminants or environmental factors. This is why it is seen as a separate requirement when collecting samples and Tamworth Environmental Laboratory is now NATA accredited under “APHA 9060 Samples for Microbiological Examination for potable waters”.
Faecal or thermotolerant coliforms are required for analysis as an accredited test to meet many regulatory or other guidelines. Tamworth Environmental Laboratory is now NATA accredited under “ APHA 9222D for Faecal Coliforms in fresh waters and sewage”. Prior to gaining this accreditation we were sending faecal coliforms to a sub contractor that held accreditation for this testing. Faecal coliforms must be tested within 24 hours from collection so logistically it was difficult to get these samples to Sydney by the next day for testing. Some of our clients are sending these samples to us from all parts of our region and it will now make their experience in getting their samples to us much easier.
Our Clients
We work with both individuals and businesses across varied industries, working with our clients to ensure their needs are met.
Our clients have included:

Contact us
Contact the Tamworth Environmental Laboratory to discuss the ways we can assist with your sampling and testing using the form below or by calling 02 6767 5119 or emailing tcclab@tamworth.nsw.gov.au