Erosion and sediment control

Why is sediment and erosion control important?

Loose and disturbed soils, litter and other materials have the potential to end up in our stormwater drains, streams, rivers and dams causing short and long-term environmental problems such as:

  • loss of habitat and increased turbidity in natural waterways
  • blocked stormwater drains leading to street flooding and increased maintenance costs
  • silting up of rivers and streams leading to the increased risk of flooding
  • higher risk of public health issues as a result of increased algal blooms

What are the benefits effective onsite sediment and erosion control?

There are many environmental, social and economic benefits to onsite sediment and erosion control including:

  • improved Occupational Health and Safety on the building site
  • reduced clean-up costs
  • improved wet weather working conditions, reduced downtime and earlier building completion
  • improved waterways, better fishing, boating and water skiing

What are the responsibilities of the builder?

All developers and builders (including other tradesmen, subcontractors and delivery drivers) have a legal obligation to take all reasonable care to prevent material (soil, sand, litter) from leaving construction sites.

Under the Protection of the Environment Operations (POEO) Act 1997, prosecution and on-the-spot fines of up to $1500 apply to any person who allows soil or other pollutants to enter stormwater drains or waterways.


When do sediment and erosion controls need to be in place?

A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan is required as part of the application process in relation to all earthworks and site improvements including; floor slab preparation, footings excavation and trenching for in-ground services.

All control measures need to be in place before excavation or site disturbance. They need to be maintained in good working order and repaired throughout the construction or the development work. The control measures should remain in place until 70% revegetation cover has been established.

Further Information on Sediment and Erosion Control: