Water Supplies

Water and dam information

The Tamworth region enjoys a clean, safe and healthy water supply that is drawn from three dams, five rivers and a series of local bores. Water is provided to our community through a careful treatment process which takes places at the Calala Water Treatment Plant in Tamworth and local treatment facilities in the towns and villages.
The Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal water supply comes from three sources:

  • Chaffey Dam
  • Dungowan Dam
  • The Paradise Drift Wells (emergency only)

Chaffey Dam is Tamworth’s primary water source with a capacity of 100 gigalitres. Dungowan Dam is a supplementary source with a capacity of 6.3 gigalitres.

Council has high security licenses to use 16.4 gigalitres at Chaffey Dam, and 5.6 gigalitres at Dungowan Dam, to be used for the Tamworth supply. Additionally, the Drift Wells adjacent to the Peel River, can be used during emergencies and severe drought. 

Follow the below links for Dam Safety Standards Reports.

Annual Dam Safety Standards Report - Dungowan (PDF 69.1KB)

Annual Dam Safety Standards Report - Connors Creek (PDF 69KB)

Annual Dam Safety Standards Report - Calala (PDF 69KB)

Water supplies in the region’s towns and villages

Area  Water Supply 
Barraba  Split Rock Dam 
Bendemeer  MacDonald River 
Nundle Peel River / Nundle Bore / Crawney Road Bore 
Manilla Namoi River / Manilla River
Moonbi-Kootingal  Tamworth supply via pipeline
Attunga Attunga Bores
Tamworth Chaffey Dam /Dungowan Dam


Current dam levels

Please see below current dam levels for our region:

 Dam  Capacity
 Level %  Updated
Chaffey Dam 102, 868 82.05 29/04/2024
 Dungowan Dam 6,200   77.71 29/04/2024 
Split Rock Dam 397,370 93.90 29/04/2024


For real-time and historical data for Chaffey Dam and Split Rock Dam click here.

For historical data for Dungowan Dam, please contact us.


Backflow Prevention

Backflow is the reverse flow of water from a source into the protected reticulated potable water system.

Our region’s water supply systems are maintained at high pressure to enable water to flow from taps. However, during a period of high-water demand such as a burst water main or when used by fire fighters, low pressure may occur in the system.

The reduced pressure can result in water flowing back into the system from external sources. This process can also occur when the pumps within a property pressurise the internal system to a pressure higher than the Council’s reticulated system. A backflow prevention device fitted at the property boundary prevents this from happening.

For further information please refer to the following documents:

Water Hardness

The water quality for our Tamworth Regional Council customers can vary significantly around the Region. This is due to the fact that our water comes from a range of sources. Groundwater, or bore water is often higher in hardness due to the fact that it has been in contact with rocks underground long enough for minerals to dissolve. Surface water from rivers and dams is often softer because it has not been in contact with rocks for long enough for the minerals to dissolve. Seasonal variations in hardness can also occur. 

To learn more about water hardness check out our Water Hardness Factsheet. (PDF 549.2KB)

Water Quality Control

Clean, safe water is vital for everyday life. Water is essential for health, hygiene and the productivity of our community. Across the Region, Tamworth Regional Council can produce more than 50 million litres of high quality drinking water per day. Each system undergoes a rigorous water quality testing program from its source water to our customer’s tap.


To learn more about our water quality control check out our Water Quality Control Factsheet. (PDF 2.2MB)