The following components and services are eligible for the rebate, as they directly contribute to water savings and efficiency:
- Cleaning or replacing cooling pads.
- Maintenance of the water reservoir/sump.
- Servicing the water supply line to the unit.
- Maintenance or replacement of the water pump.
- Maintenance or replacement of the float valve.
- Servicing of the reservoir/sump overflow hose or bleeder hose.
- Start-up and shut-down servicing of the unit.
The following components and services are not covered by the rebate, as they do not directly impact water saving or efficiency:
- Fan or fan motor.
- Supply duct.
- Electrical components. (Control panel, thermostats and electrical wiring)
- The outer casing and structural frame of the EVAP unit.
Please note: This rebate program is focused on enhancing water saving and efficiency. Therefore, components and services not related to water-saving, such as the fan, fan motor, supply duct, electrical components, the outer casing and structural frame are not eligible for the rebate.
For residential properties, a rebate will be provided once per year for each evaporative cooler at a specific property, provided the rebates are claimed within the same financial year. All claims must be made within the financial year in which the expenditure occurs.