Local Environmental Plan (LEP)
The Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (TRLEP 2010) provides the planning rules within the Tamworth Regional Local Government Area for the way land can be developed and used. It confirms:
- The zoning of land (e.g., residential, rural, commercial, industrial, etc.);
- What development can (Permissible) and cannot (Prohibited) be undertaken in each zone;
- Minimum lot sizes for subdivision;
- Dwelling entitlement requirements for rural properties (e.g., minimum area, subdivision history);
- Heritage items and conservation areas; and
- Important standards for development, such as floor space ratio, maximum building height and construction near important infrastructure (e.g., airport, landfill).
Follow the links below to view the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (TRLEP 2010).
Phased Review of the TRLEP 2010
On 26 May 2020, Council adopted the Tamworth Regional Blueprint 100 Part Two: Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (LSPS 2020). The LSPS 2020 underpins future land use planning relating to master plans, development control plan amendments and the comprehensive review of the TRLEP 2010.
Consistent with the Actions identified within the LSPS 2020, Council’s Strategic Planning Team has been engaged in the comprehensive review of the TRLEP 2010, which included a community expression of interest (EOI) process in 2022 where property owners were invited to identify potential amendments to the TRLEP 2010 and a specific invitation to each property owner of land in the Tamworth CBD and Bridge Street precinct to meet with senior planning staff to discuss their future plans for their site.
As a result of the comprehensive review by Council officers and the EOI process, a large number of potential amendments to the TRLEP 2010 have been identified, some of which require further planning studies. To this end, to balance the timely completion of Actions from the LSPS 2020 with the required timeframes to undertake further strategy work, the comprehensive review of the TRLEP 2010 is being completed in phases.
At its meeting held on 27 February 2024, Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal for Phase 1 of the TRLEP 2010 review and refer it to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DHPI) requesting a Gateway Determination (Minute 22/24). Further information on the Phase 1 Planning Proposal can be found below.
The following matters are currently being investigated for future phases of the TRLEP 2010 review:
- Review rural zones and minimum lot sizes;
- Review residential zones and minimum lot sizes;
- Review planning controls for the RU5 zone applicable to towns and villages;
- Heritage Review (Round 2), including new local items and de-listings;
- Review of buffer zones around Council infrastructure;
- Expressions of Interest (Round 2) – Strategic or site-specific planning studies to be completed;
- Review of planning controls for the Tamworth Central Business District;
- Reclassification of community and operational land; and
- Any outstanding or deferred matter.
Amending the TRLEP 2010
Further information for property owners or developers proposing to amend the TRLEP 2010 can be found on the Amending the LEP page.