Resource Recovery

Council considers resource recovery an essential part of managing its landfill sites, helping to ensure the longevity of these valuable community assets.

By retrieving any materials that can be reused, recycled or reprocessed, we can help minimise the amount of rubbish being buried in landfill.

Resource & Waste Management Guide


Products for sale

We have a range of premium products available for sale from the Tamworth Waste Management Facility:

Composted Soil Conditioner

Composted Soil Conditioner

Blend with or dig into existing top-soil to depth of at least 5cm

$80 per tonne

1t = approx. 1.4m3

 Composted Mulch


 Composted Mulch

Apply to surface 5-10cm thick and pull back from plant stems

$56 per tonne

1t = approx 2.2m3


Course wood mulch


Course Wood Mulch

Apply to surface 5-10cm thick and pull back from plant stems

$80 per tonne 

1t = approx 2.6m3

 C&D Roadbase  

Blended road base

Crushed construction and demolition material

$26 per tonne



For commercial quantity purchases of compost or mulch products, Renew Organics directly for product availability and pricing on 0427 436 885.

Greenwaste Separation

The Tamworth Waste Management Facility on Forest Road has introduced greenwaste separation to their process to comply with NSW EPA organic diversion requirements and to better manage weeds and invasive species in the Tamworth region.

Separating your greenwaste will allow our staff to manage any weeds or invasive species that come onsite to be processed.  This will result in the production of a higher quality mulch that will meet Australian Standards.


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Community Recycling Centre

The Community Recycling Centre is located at the Tamworth Forest Road Waste Management Centre.

Residents can dispose of a number of household items including gas bottles, fire extinguishers, vehicle batteries, household dry cell batteries, fluorescent tubes or globes, E-Waste, Used motor oil, Paint, other oils, smoke detectors, x-rays, ink cartridges and mobile phones free of charge all year round at the Community Recycling Centre.

Click here to find out more 


You can also dispose of the following items which will be recycled or repurposed:

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Prepare for your visit to any of our Waste & Resource Recovery Facilities

• Separate the items you no longer want by resource type that will speed your visit up
• Items to prepare it to be recovered for recycling or reprocessing or resale through Waste No More
o Metal
o Household batteries
o Car batteries
o Paint
o Gas bottles
o Cooking oil
o Motor oil
o Fluro tubes
o X-rays
o Smoke detectors
o Mobile Phones
o Power cables and leads
o E-Waste – TV, Computers, printers and peripherals
o Furniture items that are not broken or damaged and considered suitable by staff for resale at Waste No More
o Plastics – Curby drop off
o Clean brick (no plastics or metal or timber)
o Clean tile (no plastics or timber)
o Clean concrete (no metal or plastic)
o Greenwaste
o Tyres
o Fridge, freezer or air conditioner