All six public pools to open

 All six public pools operated by Council will open on Tuesday 5 October. All pools will be following the current Public Health Orders in place for our region meaning there is a capacity limit of one person per two square metres at each pool and all patrons are required to sign in using the Service NSW QR codes provided.

Pools in Barraba, Manilla, Kootingal, Nundle and the South and West Tamworth War Memorial Swimming Pool will be open normal operating hours.
Manager of Sport and Recreation, Paul Kelly, said “our pools are ready to go and are in the best condition that they have been in for some time. This is a true credit to our staff who have gone above and beyond to make sure this swim season is a great one.”
The Olympic Swimming Pool will have altered operating hours for the beginning of the season, opening from midday on weekdays and 7am on weekends.

“We can easily accommodate the anticipated number of morning swimmers at Scully Pool. Scully Pool is also temperature controlled and was sitting at 25.9 degrees this week while Olympic Pool was a chilly 18 degrees. If there is a need to open Olympic Pool earlier we can do so immediately”, said Mr. Kelly.

Pool user groups were consulted on this change and at this point in time all are opting to use South and West Tamworth War Memorial Swimming Pool.
For information on pool opening hours, facilities, and entry fees here.

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