Waste Management Facilities - Opening Hours

Tamworth Regional Council operates a total of 11 waste management facilities in our region; four landfills and seven rural sites.

There are four landfills which receive and bury garbage onsite and seven rural sites which operate solely as Waste Transfer Stations where garbage and recycling is collected in large bins and transported back to Tamworth for final disposal or recycling. These sites are only suitable for small vehicles. 

Cash and EFTPOS payments accepted at all facilities.



Conditions of Entry to all Landfill / Tip Sites

  • All vehicles / visitors must report to the weighbridge or office prior to depositing waste or entering further on to the site
  • All visitors and customers must obey advisory signs and/or directions from Staff
  • Scavenging, entry onto waste piles or removal of materials is not permitted
  • Children / animals / pets must remain in vehicles at all times
  • Enclosed footwear must be worn at all times – no bare feet
  • No smoking or lighting of fires permitted
  • All loads should be cover to prevent spillage

Penalties exceeding $200 apply for non-compliance with these conditions.

Customers are encouraged to help keep all facilities tidy and clean as additional clean-ups will result in increased disposal charges.


What Waste is Accepted?

Save yourself time and money by checking the type of waste that can be accepted (PDF 112.5KB)  before visiting one of our waste management facilities.



Operating Hours

Due to staff shortages, Council has implemented reduced opening hours of facilities across the region. 

Current location details and opening hours for the respective sites can be found below:


Public Holiday Operating Hours

  • Good Friday - Closed for all sites
  • Christmas Day - Closed for all sites
  • New Year's Day - Closed for all sites


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