It was a milestone for the Tamworth Global Gateway Park development to see the Tamworth Intermodal Freight Facility officially opened earlier this month. I was proud to be there with representatives of the facility’s operators, Qube, the NSW Government and Council.
Local suppliers, businesses and producers will benefit from the services it will provide and new markets it will help create.
It will help growers and producers from our region and further afield get their goods to market direct by rail to Port Botany. It’s a win all round to have this facility giving much-needed transport connectivity.
The Tamworth Global Gateway Park will drive economic development and jobs growth in our region for the next 20 years or more. It has been possible with funding from all three levels of government of about $100 million since 2020.
Land sales have been strong and there is a high level of ongoing interest, affirming viability of the development and a return on investment to our ratepayers.