Council Meeting Streaming

Watch democracy in action with the live stream of our Council meetings.

Click here to watch Council Meeting Live Stream 


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What meetings can I view?

Ordinary Council Meetings and Extraordinary Council Meetings are live streamed. The Closed Council section of the Ordinary Council meetings will not be streamed. 

Why has the live stream stopped?

If the live stream goes blank during a meeting, this will likely indicate the Council has entered into a confidential section of the meeting called 'Closed Council'.
A new stream will begin for the Resolutions passed in Closed Council after this confidential section has concluded. You can access this second section of the meeting on our Youtube channel.

Where can I give feedback on the webcast?

Council will monitor webcasts and make improvements as required to enhance the service. If you would like to provide some feedback click here.

Are there any rules around live streaming?

At the start of each meeting that will be streamed, the chairperson must advise the meeting room that the meeting will be live streamed.
Tamworth Regional Council accepts no liability for any defamatory remarks that are made during the course of a meeting.