Drink changes on Council's outdoor dining menu
Tuesday 8 November, 2022
Restaurants in Tamworth’s CBD may soon be changing their drinks menus as Tamworth Regional Council reviews its Footpath Dining Policy.
Following a decision at tonight’s Ordinary Meeting, a restriction which had banned outdoor diners from drinking alcohol with their meals during the annual Tamworth Country Music Festival in January was removed.
Under the policy up until tonight, outdoor diners in Tamworth could have a drink of wine, beer or spirits with their meal at any time of the year but not in January.
Councillors also signalled the policy may change further, in agreeing to ask the community for its opinion about whether the requirement at any time of the year that alcohol may only be served in outdoors areas where a meal is provided should be removed.
Tamworth Region Mayor Russell Webb said the policy anomaly was now holding back opportunities for locals to have a full range of beverage choices when enjoying great food on offer at local restaurants and cafes.
“The rule served its purpose when the policy started in 1996 as a mechanism to stem anti-social behaviour during the Festival, but Councillors agreed tonight it was time for it to go,” he said.
“When COVID-19 led to the Festival’s postponement this year, it was the first time diners were able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage with their meal during the Festival – and there was no up-swing in anti-social behaviour.
“Outdoor dining is very popular and our local restaurants and cafés should not be held back in catering for their customers.”
A Footpath Dining Policy Review Report considered by Council said local hospitality sector representatives recently raised the issue of permitting alcohol to be consumed with a meal at outdoor dining areas during the Festival. They also asked Council to consider removing the rules where alcohol may only be consumed in outdoor dining areas by patrons who are also eating a meal.
Tamworth Regional Council Manager Compliance, Ross Briggs, said Council will from tomorrow seek community feedback about whether they want further change to the Footpath Dining Policy to allow outdoor dining patrons to consume alcoholic drinks without also eating a meal.
“The NSW Government has a focus on promoting and expanding alfresco dining, particularly following on from the significant effects COVID-19 had on the hospitality industry,” he said. “And eating outdoors certainly seems to be a growing part of today’s lifestyle for people of all ages
The Council report said the local hospitality industry wants to create a “cosmopolitan and progressive atmosphere within in the CBD.
The Mayor and senior council officers have already met with representatives of the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority to seek advice about the possible policy change. Feedback has also been requested from the local hospitality industry and police.
The Council report said hospitality industry representatives indicated they are confident any policy change would be able to be managed through Responsible Service of Alcohol, supervision by staff and other measures.
Feedback from police included concerns about the proposal to remove the requirement for a meal to be served with alcohol. They said statistic show anti-social incidents are minimised where food is served with alcohol.
To have your say about the proposed additional change to the Tamworth Regional Council Footpaths – Use of Public Footpaths for Restaurants and Outdoor Seating Policy, go to https://haveyoursay.tamworth.nsw.gov.au/footpath-dining before noon on Wednesday 7 December, 2022.