Year Round Care Vacation and School Term Session Booking Form This form is to be completed for School Term and Vacation Care. Parents are required to provide Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) for yourself and your child/ren. All parents wishing to enrol their child/ren at Year Round Care must read and understand the Policy Manual (PDF 1.9MB) Child/ren Booking Details Full Name* - required Child* - required Date of Birth* - required Parent / Guardian Information Full Name* - required Phone Number* - required Email Address* - required Your CRN* - required Address* - required Suburb* - required State* - required NSW QLD SA NT WA VIC TAS Postcode* - required Do you work on a roster?* - required Yes No I am interested in* - required Before or After School Care Year-Round Vacation Care Term Bookings Please select the days and sessions you require for Term bookings:* - required Monday - Before School Care Monday - After School Care Tuesday - Before School Care Tuesday - After School Care Wednesday - Before School Care Wednesday - After School Care Thursday - Before School Care Thursday - After School Care Friday - Before School Care Friday - After School Care Vacation Care Booking Please select the days you require for Vacation Care bookings: Monday, 14 April Tuesday, 15 April Wednesday, 16 April Thursday, 17 April Tuesday, 22 April Wednesday, 23 April Thursday, 24 April Pupil Free Days Monday, 28 April Tuesday, 29 April Service Requirements Commencement Date* - required How did you hear about us* - required Select Family Friend Social Media Posters Radio Forum Six Cinema School Declaration All parents wishing to enrol their child/ren at Year Round Care must read and understand the Policy Manual. By checking this box I declare I have read and understood the Year Round Care policy manual listed above* - required Privacy Statement Any personal information you have supplied to or is collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council. Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB). Mandatory field(s) marked with *