Work Experience


Work experience requests are currently offered in May and November.

  • Expressions of interest open in April for May placements and October for November placements
  • Please do not submit requests outside of these times unless you are a University student


We offer high school, TAFE and university students the opportunity to undertake work experience placements at Council.

These placements are a great opportunity to learn from our staff and gain new skills and on-the-job experience. Council’s Work Experience program is for students who are seeking experience in an aspiring career field or to try out a career field of interest.  

You can express your interest in undertaking work experience with Council by completing the form below. Once you've submitted your expression of interest, we'll be in touch to discuss available opportunities.

Please note:

  • All requests must be submitted online via the form below. Emailed requests will not be accepted.
  • Placements depend on the host team’s operational requirements and availability at a given time.
  • We require students to complete an Expression of Interest at least 4 weeks prior to their requested placement dates. Last-minute applications will not be accepted. This allows us to consider all applications and make every attempt to place students in their preferred areas.
  • We cannot guarantee any work placements



Work experience request details
Please enter a minimum of 200 words.
Student details
Educational institution details
Public liability coverage
Medical condition
Emergency contact details
Student declaration

Please use this checklist to ensure you have provided all required information with your application:

Council’s Code of Conduct (PDF 220.5KB)

Council’s Bullying and Harassment Policy (PDF 240.1KB)

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

Mandatory field(s) marked with *