Water Cooling Tower and Warm Water System Notification Form

System Details
Please select
Occupier Details
Postal Address
Is the postal address the same as the business address above?* - required
Postal Address
Buidling Manager details
System site details
Reason for notification
Type of Notification* - required
Installation date
Change of Occupier
Change of Particulars or Decommissioning
Please select any that are relevant* - required

Please type your signature

Please sign here

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Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

Mandatory field(s) marked with *