Purpose of this application form:
This application form should be completed by an executor or other authorised person (for example, the beneficiary) that seeks to transfer a perpetual interment right from the holder (deceased) to a new holder.
A cemetery operator may transfer a perpetual interment right from one person or two or more persons as joint holders to one person or two or more person as joint holders. A person to whom a perpetual interment right devolves does not become the holder of the perpetual interment right until the cemetery operator's register is amended.
Form approved by Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW under subsection 50(4) of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013.
This application form is not required for transferring rights between joint holders. On the death of a joint holder of a perpetual interment right, the remaining joint holder/s is/are entitled to the perpetual interment right. The surviving joint holder/s should advise the cemetery operator of the death of one joint holder so the cemetery operator's register can be updated.