Tamworth Changing Places Facility - User Survey Do you identify as* - required A person with a disability Family member of a person with a disability Friend Carer Service provider OtherOther text How old are you?* - required <18 18-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+ What is your gender?* - required Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say What aspect of the changing places toilet do you use?* - required Ceiling hoist Toilet away from the wall Adult size changing table Extra space None of the above OtherOther text What are the benefits of using a changing places facility for you or the person you care for?* - required I can stay out for longer reduces risk of lifting injuries I can attend community events and activities I can go out more frequently I can visit new places I have not been to before I can change my continence aids or clothing I can go out with friends and family I feel more independent I can go shopping I can go to restaurants I can go to the parks and playground I can go to the toilet Don’t know or unsure OtherOther text Have you/the person you are caring for ever chosen to come home early from an event or day trip because of the lack of changing places toilets?* - required Select Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Don't know or unsure Does the availability of a changing places toilet influence your decision about where you/the person you are caring for may go on a day out?* - required Select Never Sometimes Usually Always Do you ever have issues accessing or using the Changing Places facility?* - required Any other feedback Mandatory field(s) marked with *