Request to Speak at Public Forum

Anyone who would like to address the Council Meeting on matters that are not included in the Business Paper for a Council Meeting may do so at a Public Forum. 


Please complete this form by 4.30pm the day prior to the Council Meeting. You will be contacted the morning of the Council Meeting to advise the outcome of your application.

Speakers must read the Public Forum Guidelines (PDF 125.8KB) before registering and addressing Council.

Please Note:

  • Council accepts no responsibility for any defamatory statements made by speakers.
  • If you have any documentation to support your presentation, please provide two copies to the prior to the meeting.
  • Audio Visual presentations must be received by 4.30pm the day prior to the meeting.
  • Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to address the Public Forum, an extension of time may be granted if deemed necessary by the Mayor.


Organisation or Group Represented


Have you addressed Council previously on this subject in the last twelve months?

All guests are to comply with the current Public Health Orders and Government directed COVID-19 requirements in place at the time that the Council Meeting is held.

Guests should not attend the Council Meeting if they are individuals who:

  1. At the time of the Council Meeting or within the previous fourteen (14) days of the Council Meeting are experiencing or have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath (for a full list of symptoms as outlined by NSW Health, please visit Symptoms and testing | NSW Government);
  2. Have travelled at any point in the previous fourteen (14) days either internationally or to a community in Australia that has been classified a COVID-19 case location by the Australian Federal Government or any Australian State Government; or
  3. Believe that they may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19.


For the latest COVID-19 updates please go to NSW Government Health.

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

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