Preliminary Development Advice Meeting Request ALL MEETINGS ARE TO BE BOOKED ONLINE. Council will endeavour to accommodate your meeting request for the day and time requested. There are some circumstances in which the meeting request will need to be rescheduled and you will be contacted with an offer for another time. Meeting bookings will be confirmed via email or phone. Change from 1 July 2023: The first meeting is free of charge. Follow up meetings regarding the same development will be charged at a rate of $210.00 (per hour/minimum half hour charge). PREFERRED MEETING DATE & TIME Preliminary development Advice Meetings are available on Thursday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm only. Bookings are to be made at least 7 days prior to your preferred meeting date Applicant's Full Name* - required Applicant's Phone Number* - required Applicant's Email Address* - required Meeting Attendees* - required Property Street Address and Lot/DP* - required Choose up to 3 different zonings. Click the Add New button to add another zoning. Zoning(s) Zoning Category* - required [Select] Rural Residential Business Industrial Special Purpose Recreation Conservation Zoning* - required [Select] Description of Proposed Development* - required Key Issues to Discuss(eg. sewer and water reticulation, stormwater, flooding, variation to DCP, parking)* - required Permissibility & Land Use Definition(Land Use Definition to be determined from Dictionary in Tamworth Local Environment Plan 2010)* - required Please upload your plan set* - required Preferred Meeting Date & Time Preliminary development Advice Meetings are available on Thursday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm only.Please indicate your preferred meeting date and time below. A team member will be in contact with you to confirm the meeting time. Preferred Meeting Date Preferred Meeting Time 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 4.30pm Any time between 2.00pm and 5.00pm Mandatory field(s) marked with *