Make a Complaint

For asking questions, requesting services, reporting an issue and discussing investment opportunities please use our Contact Us Form


Making complaints can be done via the form below. The information will be electronically registered and forwarded to the appropriate officer.

The preferred contact listed on the form indicates that you would like Council to respond to your request. Requests that are sent with no contact required selected waive a response from Council.



Preferred contact method


Please enter the time or approximate time of the incident
Incident location
Is the incident on public or private land?* - required


Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

Mandatory field(s) marked with *