Resource and Waste Management Plan Form

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Section 1 - Details

Contact Details

Select all that apply* - required
Development Application Details

Section 2

Select all that apply* - required
2A Site Preparation, Demolition - Resource
If you have Asbestos or Soil products, you require a Waste Disposal Permit before coming to the site.
Examples of Services/Transports: Council service, private waste contractor details, staff drop off to the final destination identified etc.
2A Site Preparation, Demolition Resources
Please click the Add New button for each resource in this stage. 
Section 2B Construction - Resource
If you have Asbestos or Soil products, you require a Waste Disposal Permit before coming to the site.
Examples of Services/Transports: Council service, private waste contractor details, staff drop off to the final destination identified etc.
2B Construction Resources
Please click the Add New button for each resource in this stage. 

Section 3

Commercial / Industrial / Business ONLY (Not required for Residential).

Occupation/Operational Stage* - required
Occupational/ Operational Resource
If you have Asbestos or Soil products, you require a Waste Disposal Permit before coming to the site.
Examples of Services/Transports: Council service, private waste contractor details, staff drop off to the final destination identified etc.
Occupational or Operational Resources
Please click the Add New button for each resource in this stage. 

Section 4

How many dwellings* - required
4A Residential Multi-dwelling Resources

Please click the Add New button for each resource in this stage. 

Questions to come. 

4B Community Title or Gated Community Resources

For full requirements please read the Community title or Gated Community Requirements above

The day waste collection services occur is a consideration for the continuity of services for the residences in the surrounding area of the proposed development. Collections on the same day for the proposed development are requested. Check Collection Services information
This information is for Council to apply the waste management services charges to residences in the proposed development at occupation stage.
Does the proposed development have security gates protecting the residences or require access codes or similar to enter the development (essentially a gated community)?
If YES, Council kerbside waste collection services are not available.

If NO, then the services of an approved licensed waste service provider must be proven to be deliverable for the proposed development, and services provided must replicate Council’s services, and must include any state government mandated obligations such as future food organics (FO) collections (Council will provide FO as part of the garden organics (GO) services by 2030).
Is it proposed that Council kerbside waste services would be utilised at occupation stage of the proposed development?
If YES, Council will determine if its waste collection services can be provided to the proposed development taking in to account all considerations identified for the delivery of safe servicing. 

If NO, then the services of an approved licensed waste service provider must be proven to be deliverable for the proposed development, and services provided must replicate Council’s services, and must include any state government mandated obligations such as future food organics (FO) collections (Council will provide FO as part of the garden organics (GO) services by 2030).
4B - Council Kerbside Services

Specific design requirements for resource recovery and waste management of residential single dwellings with Council kerbside waste services.  

External of Dwelling – for dwellings with their own bins

  1. Bin storage locations need to minimise the transfer distance of waste from within the dwelling to the external bins.
  2. Bin storage area screening for property amenity.
  3. Bin presentation location from the storage area (i.e., less than 30m and avoid steep gradients)
  4. Bin storage area needs to allow for the storage of 3 x 240L bins as a minimum but should include additional storage for another 240L bin should future changes to kerbside services occur that utilise a 4 x 240L bin configuration or provide extra space should residents need an additional bin for any of the streams.

Within the Dwelling

  1. Consideration of adequate source separation within the dwelling for things such as beverage bottles, comingled recyclables, food waste (in the future) and general waste.
  2. A minimum of two days’ worth of storage must be provided for beverage bottles, recyclables, food waste (in the future) and general waste storage inside each residence.

4B - Council Kerbside Unavailable

Specific points to address, for Residential Single Dwellings in community title or gated communities where Council services are unable to be provided

4B - Private kerbside
Single Line Text
4B - Private Consolidated area
Submission options* - required
Mandatory field(s) marked with *