2024 - 2025 Regional Events Marketing Support Program

Tamworth Regional Council's Regional Events Marketing Support Program provides financial and/or in-kind marketing support for marketing activity to events and festivals held within the Tamworth region. Organisations wishing to apply for event support are required to complete a application in full, including all supporting documentation as listed in the checklist.

In order to qualify for funding, an event must exhibit and be able to report on three key focus areas:

  1. the economic benefit of the event to the Tamworth region;
  2. an increase in overnight visitation to the Tamworth region; and
  3. demonstrate how the event will grow from its current state.
All applicants are encouraged to make contact with Tamworth Regional Council to discuss the broad suitability of their event and the status of the funding before completing the application in detail.


Who can apply?

Applicants eligible to apply for assistance as part of the Support Program include:

  1. non-profit organisations;
  2. incorporated community based organisations;
  3. co-operative regional groups or similar; and
  4. incorporated associations

An applicant/event can only make one (1) application to the Support Program per financial year.


Critical Timelines

  1. Applications open Monday, 22 April 2024
  2. The funding is for events being held between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025
  3. Applications for funding for funding support close Friday, 17 May 2024 at 12:00pm

The Funding Tiers

There are three (3) tiers of funding available, up to a maximum of $5,000 per event.

Information required through the application process varies depending on the level of funding being requested:

  1. $100 - $750
  2. $751 - $2,000
  3. $2,001 - $5,000 (maximum)

Tamworth Regional Council may provide in-kind marketing assistance as part of any successful application. 


Eligibility Criteria

Events are required to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the Support Program:

  1. the event must occur within the boundaries of the Tamworth Regional Council area;
  2. the applicant must have an ABN;
  3. the applicant/s acknowledges that this funding is for marketing and promotional purposes only.  Tamworth Regional Council take absolutely no responsibility for any event operation expenses.  These remain wholly the responsibility of the organiser;
  4. Level 3 funding ($2,001 - $5000) requires the applicant to submit a detailed event budget; 
  5. the event must occur between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025;
  6. retrospective funding for events is not available;
  7. the applicant is required to complete a post event report.  Failure to do so will omit the event from future eligibility of funding; and
  8. events where the organising body reside outside the Tamworth Regional Council local government area are eligible for Level 1 and 2 funding and/or in-kind support. 
  9. Events which are hosted and coordinated within the Tamworth region will receive preference.


Assessment Criteria

The program provides financial and/or in-kind support for events held within the Tamworth region, to support marketing and promotional activities only.

Tamworth Regional Council will only consider events that meet the following criteria:

  1. events will be assessed on their ability to deliver on the three (3) focus areas;
  2. the event will contribute to an increase expenditure in the region;
  3. events must have clearly defined objectives and measurable outcomes in an event plan or business plan;
  4. the Event Plan or Business Plan must:
    • identify a target audience;
    • include a marketing plan detailing all marketing, advertising, public relations and promotional activities to be undertaken to attract visitors to the event;
    • provide evidence of business or community support; and
    • outline the experience of the organiser to deliver this event.
There is a limited amount of annual funding available.  Each application will be assessed on a case by case basis.  Meeting all funding criteria does not automatically guarantee approval of the application.


Eligible Marketing Activity

All approved Event Marketing Support Program funds are to be used for marketing and promotional activities only, not for operational overheads.

Event Support assistance CAN be provided for items such as:

Tick event marketing including digital marketing

Tick assist with media buying

Tick media releases and media liaison

Tick media monitoring 

Tick event launch

Tick promotion through the Visitor Information Centre network


Event Support assistance will NOT be provided for items such as:

Cross events that start or are completed before assistance is approved

Cross educational costs

Cross infrastructure or asset purchases

Cross performer/artists fees

Cross general administration costs and/or employment costs

Cross prize money or giveaway items

Cross wages for event coordination



When preparing the budget please note the following:

  1. successful applicants may NOT receive all the funding requested;
  2. a detailed budget must be included, noting all costs associated with the event including in-kind amounts;
  3. all other sources of funding and sponsorship are listed whether these are confirmed, unconfirmed or anticipated;
  4. any other funds or in-kind support received from other areas within Tamworth Regional Council;
  5. as part of the budget, it is critical to forecast whether the event will operate at a profit or a loss.



The assessment process is as follows:

  1. the application is evaluated against eligibility and assessment criteria, supporting documentation and the event's ability to generate an economic benefit for the region;
  2. Tamworth Regional Council will provide written advice on an application within 30 days of the closing date of the program;
  3. the decision on funding is final; and
  4. unsuccessful applicants may apply for funding again in the next financial year.

The value of funding and support provided will be at the discretion of Tamworth Regional Council. The decision to support an application under this program will be confirmed in writing and negates any discussions or commitments previously communicated about the application for support.



All successful applicants are required to submit a tax invoice at a date agreed upon with the Visitor Experiences team.

The following details must be included on your tax invoice:

  1. ABN, name and address of applicant
  2. amount of the grant + GST, if applicable
  3. date of issue of invoice
  4. invoice made in favour of Tamworth Regional Council
  5. purchase order number (provided once funding has been approved)
  6. description of goods or services being 'Tamworth Regional Council Event Marketing Support Funding for [insert name of event]'
  7. organisation bank details

Tamworth Regional Council will pay any approved funds by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).  Payment will only be processed once all documentation associated with your event is received and approved.


Conditions of Regional Events Marketing Support Program 

For more information contact Tamworth Regional Council on (02) 6767 5555 or email: trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au


Applicant Information
Event Overview
Is this a new or existing event?* - required
Existing Event
How often is the event held/planned to be held?* - required
Is this the same each day?* - required
Please indicate the entry cost for the event* - required
Is the committee aware of any other events being held on the same date/s within a 2 hour radius?
Other Events
Entry Cost
What are the top 3 key aims of the event?
Will the event involve other organisations/partners?* - required
Event Viability
Will the event proceed without financial support from Tamworth Regional Council?* - required
Event Marketing & Promotion

It is a condition of the program that all events be listed on the What’s On section of the Tamworth Region website.  This is an obligation of the applicant.  This listing will be used by Tamworth Regional Council to assist in promoting the event through various marketing channels.

Please click the link above and the "Add an Event" button to submit your event, 

If you require assistance, please contact us.

Have you submitted the "Add an Event" form on the Tamworth Region website?* - required
Adding an Event to What's On is a condition of funding and must be completed before applications close!
Is the website active yet?* - required
Please list the event social media channels that will be used* - required
Has the event previously received funding through* - required
Tamworth Regional Council
Destination NSW
Regional NSW
Event Support
Please choose the in kind support you would like to receive from Tamworth Regional Council. Select all that apply.* - required

Please note any marketing support provided by Tamworth Regional Council for your event will be through existing marketing channels.  Tamworth Regional Council are unable to provide a marketing plan for the event.

Do you have someone on your committee dedicated to marketing your event?* - required
For this event, will you be applying for other assistance (in-kind or financial) from Tamworth Regional Council, or any of its subsidiaries (ie. TRECC, Town Hall, Capitol Theatre, Sports Dome, Community Centre, AELEC etc)* - required
Other Assistance
GST Declaration
Is your organisation registered for GST?* - required
Having an ABN is a requirement for funding.
Register for an ABN on the Australian Government Business website
Event Visitation and Profile
Please indicate what percentage of the total visitation originate from the following areas:

How will you measure the event's success?

Please be specific and note that you will need to provide Tamworth Regional Council with this information at the conclusion of the project.

Eg. Recording numbers at the event and comparing growth; surveying visitors to gather data (eg. Where they have come from, postcode, age, email); Survey participating businesses post event via online surveys (eg. Hotels/Motels etc)

Event Budget
It would be helpful if you could provide an outline of your budget.  This will provide Council with the opportunity to ascertain other ways of providing assistance or helping to streamline your event.

The Support Program is funded by Tamworth Regional Council.  The Support Program funding is directly linked to driving increased visitation and the economic benefit an event or festival brings to the Tamworth region.

In order to qualify for funding, an event must exhibit 3 key focus areas:

  1. Economic benefit to the region;
  2. An increase in visitation to the region; and
  3. Event sustainability for new events - or for existing events, how the event will grow.

Depending on the level of the funding being sought, the higher levels must be able to thoroughly demonstrate the maximum benefit in all three (3) areas.

Please identify how the event will demonstrate the following:

As part of the application, the measurability of the above three (3) points is critical and a post event report must be submitted within 30 days from the conclusion of the event.  Please note that the quality of the report will be referenced for future funding requests. Tamworth Regional Council can assist you with this report, if necessary.

Check List
Declaration and Conditions of Grant - Level 1
Declaration and Conditions of Grant - Level 2
Declaration and Conditions of Grant - Level 3

This is a condition of Level 3 funding.

Failure to comply may jeopardise funding in subsequent years.  The Event Report can be completed by clicking here.

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

Mandatory field(s) marked with *