Application for Waste Service


  • Only an Owner/Authorised Agent can submit this form
    • If you are a Tenant, please talk to your Real Estate Agent or Landlord

  • You cannot use this form for a New Building
    • A request for commencement of waste service will be initiated once the Occupation Certificate (OC) is issued by Council or received from your Private Certifier via the NSW Planning Portal.
    • Please contact Council or your Private Certifier to confirm the commencement of the waste service.



If this application is for the commencement of a waste service for a new building you cannot proceed. 
A request for commencement of waste service will be initiated once the Occupation Certificate (OC) is issued by Council or received from your Private Certifier via the NSW Planning Portal.
Please contact Council or your Private Certifier to confirm the commencement of the waste service.
Council Customer Service - 1300 733 625
Unable to Proceed
Applications can only be accepted by the Property Owner or their Authorised Agent.
Please contact your managing agent to discuss your request.
Property Owner
Authorised Agent
Applicant Details
Postal Address
Property Identification
Service Type
New Service - New Building - Unable to Proceed
If this application is for the commencement of a waste service for a new building you cannot proceed. 
A request for commencement of waste service will be initiated once the Occupation Certificate (OC) is issued by Council or received from your Private Certifier via the NSW Planning Portal.
Please contact Council or your Private Certifier to confirm the commencement of the waste service.
Council Customer Service - 1300 733 625
New Service - Existing Building
Not to be completed for commencement of a waste service for a new building (except when development completed under SEPP Infrastructure 2007)
New Service - Non-Domestic CBD
New Service - Preferred Collection Day
New Service - Preferred Collection Days
Preferred Collection Days
Apply for Additional Service

Section 1 Terms and Conditions – Additional Services

Applicants should be aware of the following Terms and Conditions which apply to the request for an ADDITIONAL service:

1)        Charges for the ADDITIONAL Waste Collection Service will be levied on your Rates. 

2)         Waste Base Charge for all waste services will only increase for the general waste (red bin) collection service. No Base Charge increase will occur for recycling (yellow bin) or garden organics (green bin) collection service.

3)         An additional bin delivery charge applies to each yellow or green bin, and must be paid in advance for any bin being delivered. The additional bin delivery price is published in Council's Fees and Charges. 

4)         In the event the service is cancelled the additional bin delivery charge will not be refunded. The bin will be removed by the waste collection services contractor.

5)        In the event that the service is cancelled Annual Waste Management Charges will be amended on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the financial year.

6)     Notification of cancellation of service must be received in writing.

7)      Council will monitor recycling and organics services for 'contaimination' and continual 'offenders' will be removed from the service. 

Remove Additional Service

Section 1 Terms and Conditions – Additional Services

Applicants should be aware of the following Terms and Conditions which apply to the request for an ADDITIONAL service:

1)        Charges for the ADDITIONAL Waste Collection Service will be levied on your Rates.

2)        Waste Base Charge for all waste services will only increase for the general waste (red bin) collection service. No Base Charge increase will occur for recycling (yellow bin) or garden organics (green bin) collection service.

3)        An additional bin delivery charge applies to each yellow or green bin, and must be paid in advance for any bin being delivered. The additional bin delivery price is published in Council's Fees and Charges. 

4)        In the event the service is cancelled the additional bin delivery charge will not be refunded. The bin will be removed by the waste collection services contractor. 

5)        In the event the service is cancelled Annual Waste Management Charges will be amended on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the financial year. 

6)        Notification of cancellation of service must be in writing. 

7)        Council will monitor recycling and organics services for 'contamination' and continual 'offenders' will be removed from the service. 

Collection day for Tamworth CBD district only (Non-Domestic)
Preferred Collection Day
Preferred Collection Days
Current Collection Days
Preferred Collection Days
OPTIONAL (Outside Collection Area)

Section 2 Terms and Conditions – Optional (Outside Collection Area)


Applicants should be aware of the following Terms and Conditions which apply to a new Waste Service in an OPTIONAL (Outside Collection Area):

1)        A ‘NEW Garbage Service in an OPTIONAL (Outside Collection Area) can only be supplied to a property that has one or more habitable dwellings constructed upon it.

2)        The applicant agrees to present the bin at the nominated collection point. This will generally be at the closest point to the applicant’s property to which Council’s Domestic Waste Collection Service is provided OR as otherwise determined by Council.

3)        The nominated collection point and collection service may vary in style of operation or location depending on circumstances relating to the provision of the service that may arise from time to time.

4)        The bin can be presented for collection at the nominated collection point no earlier than 6:00pm on the day prior to the collection up unto 6:00am on the morning of the collection. The bin must be removed from the collection point and returned to a safe/secure location before 6:00pm on the day of the collection.

5)        Council will not guarantee that a bin will be collected if it has not been presented to the nominated collection point before 6:00am on the day of collection.

6)        Ongoing administration of the service shall be in accordance with Council Policy or Practice that would otherwise apply to compulsorily supplied garbage services in a defined ‘Domestic Waste Management Service Area’.

7)        Charges shall be in accordance will Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges in force from time to time.

8)        The bin remains the property of Council and must be returned to Council if requested.

9)        Council reserves the right to modify the nature of any service or cancel any service as deemed appropriate.

10)      Should a service be cancelled by Council, the applicant will only incur service charges until the cancellation date.

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

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