Council Update - Hills of Gold wind farm

Tuesday 10 September, 2024

Tamworth Regional Council General Manager, Paul Bennett has expressed Council’s disappointment in the Independent Planning Commission’s (IPC) decision to grant development consent to the Hills of Gold wind farm near Nundle.

“Council has not supported this wind farm for multiple years based on a number of significant concerns mainly regarding site suitability, biodiversity and the transport route options. As an organisation we made our position very clear that whilst we acknowledge that renewable energy projects need to be supported, it should be emphasised that this is subject to the development being situated in appropriate locations” Mr Bennett said.

“Council is extremely disappointed by the news that the IPC has granted approval of this wind farm. Given the number of changes made by the Applicant, the remaining concerns unaddressed and the effort expended on trying to make this project acceptable, it should have been refused. Instead, following this approval, this development will continue to cause undue strain, stress and social division to the Nundle and Hanging Rock community”. 

“We hope that now a decision has been made, and for the sake of our community, the developer will stay true to their word and comply with every single condition of their approval”. 

Council staff are reviewing the Statement of Reasons for the Decision released by the IPC along with the 101 conditions contained in the Development Consent. 

At the December 12, 2023 Council meeting Council adopted an approach to renewable energy projects through a Voluntary Planning Agreement Policy but said this was in no way an indication of support of the project.

“We felt it was important to ensure the Nundle and Hanging Rock communities would be entitled to some sort of benefit should the project be approved despite the number of objections from Council and the community. While we had hoped for a better outcome for these residents, that decision means there will be some compensation for them” Mr Bennett said.



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