2025 Tamworth Country Music Festival - Busking Registration


2024 Busking Winner
Winner of the 2024 Toyota Country Music Busking Championships       

Busking is one of the most anticipated aspects of the Festival each year - up to 400 buskers performing on Tamworth's "Boulevard of Dreams" in Peel Street.

Everyone is welcome to busk at the Tamworth Country Music Festival for free! Registration is required for identification and insurance purposes.

All entries in the Toyota Country Music Busking Championships Tamworth 2025 are subject to the following terms and conditions:

Terms and Conditions (PDF 194.8KB)

All fields marked with a asterisk * are mandatory. When you have completed the form, click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form.



Applications close Sunday 26 January 2025 at 6pm.

Contact Details

The Contact is the spokesperson for the group and must be contactable by mobile at all times during the festival.

Entrant Details
Number of underage performers
Please add contact details for each member 17 years of age or under by pressing the "Add New" button below. 
Underage Performer Details
Adult Performer Details
Peel Street Business Details
Performance Details
Additional Questions
What is your main reason for busking?* - required
Performance Description
Terms & Conditions

All entries in the Toyota Country Music Busking Championships Tamworth 2025 are subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

Media Consent

For definitions and full consent information, please click here

Media Conditions and limitations (tick those if any that apply)

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

Mandatory field(s) marked with *

When will busking registrations close?

Registration does not close; registrations are still accepted during the Festival.

How do I register to be a busker? Why do I need to register to busk?

Register online at www.tcmf.com.au/busking

Registration provides identification and also insurance coverage to busk at TCMF. 

Do I need to audition to busk at TCMF2025?

No, you do not need to audition to busk at TCMF. 

Is there a fee to busk?

No, registration is free; it’s needed for identification and insurance purposes.

I don’t have computer access. Can I register for busking? 

Registration is encouraged via the online form. Buskers are asked to visit friends or family or public libraries for access as needed. 

Are there terms and conditions related to busking? 

Yes. The Terms and Conditions must be read and agreed to prior to completing a Registration form.

Should the Terms and Conditions be breached, you may have your Busking Permit revoked and be asked to leave.

How do I know which shop/site/location I will be busking at?

Buskers with a pre-existing relationship or agreement with a retailer should include their site location on their registration.

Buskers are encouraged to liaise with retailers either before the Festival or when they arrive in Tamworth in order to find a location.

The Busking Coordinator at Tamworth Regional Council will provide limited assistance to those who are unable to find a location to busk.

Buskers must receive permission from the business to be able to perform in front of the local business premises. Business owners will be able to confirm the times they are happy to accommodate buskers and even arrange rosters or timetables if they are willing to take on more than one performer.

It is important to note that there will be busking exclusion zone at the below locations (view map: https://content.tcmf.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2024-Tamworth-Country-MusicFestival-CBD-Map.pdf) 

Can I get access to power when busking? 

If power is required, as per location, we encourage liaising with the business owner as to whether power may be available.

Peel Street power poles may be available for buskers – contact the Busking Coordinator to determine this closer to the festival and is never guaranteed.

Is there a Busking Championships Concert?

Each year the 10 best buskers, chosen by a range of judges, are invited to perform at the Toyota Busking Championships – date TBA. If successful, buskers will be invited to participate at the concert and compete for a cash prize, as well as a unique People’s Choice Prize. 

I’ve heard that amps will be banned this year. Is this true?

Busking arrangements will be the same as last festival with both acoustic and amplified activities permitted. We are not setting a specific decibel level in 2025.

Buskers are expected to be respectful of other buskers and the public. In certain circumstances buskers may be asked to reduce their volume.

The Busking Coordinator and other authorised staff will attend to complaints made about buskers (regarding noise or behaviour). Complaints must be registered through the TRC App or with customer service. Callers must provide their details and may not remain anonymous. 

Can I have vehicle access into Peel Street to deliver my equipment to my site?

No permits will be provided to buskers and they are encouraged to perform with a limited amount of equipment as entry into Peel Street will be via foot.

Strict road closures operate during the Tamworth Country Music Festival. Vehicle access into Peel Street is prohibited during the Festival period. 

Is there a time limit on how long I can busk?

You can perform as long as you like; granted you have permission from the business (who may schedule you with a number of other buskers throughout the Festival) and you may need to work in with fellow buskers and other businesses located near you.

Due to health and environmental conditions, it’s not recommended to busk all day every day; as the Festival is 10 days and we’d love you to enjoy your time in Tamworth.