Tamworth Regional Council Wins Vibrant Streets Grant

Tamworth Regional Council is excited to receive $150,000 in funding from the Open Streets Program as part of the NSW Government’s Vibrant Streets Package. This grant will enable the temporary closure of streets to vehicles for a day, transforming these spaces into fun and dynamic areas for people to enjoy a range of community events.

The Vibrant Streets Package represents an investment in transforming our streets into vibrant public spaces. The funding initiatives will feature creative and cultural activations, while also trialling place management strategies to support sustainable activation in the long term.

“Streets are not just for transportation but are vital public spaces that support local businesses, foster community connections, and contribute to both physical and mental well-being,” said Barry Harley, Tamworth Regional Council Events Manager.

“We are excited to see the positive impact these street activations will have on our community,” added Mr Harley. “We invite everyone to join us in these upcoming events and experience the vibrant, reimagined streets of the Tamworth Region.”

Minister for Roads, Arts, Music and the Night-Time Economy, Jobs and Tourism John Graham said, “We’re excited to support these events in Tamworth. Too often our main streets are something we drive through, rather than drive to. Our streets are a critical part of our public and social infrastructure. Great streets make great towns and centres and reflect the local community and culture. The Open Streets program is about temporarily transforming our main streets into vibrant and welcoming public event spaces.”

Through the program, council will assist community events in five towns and communities across the region including:
• A Winter’s Night - Tamworth
• Barraba North West Auto Fest
• Nundle Art Show and Christmas Markets
• Manilla Christmas Celebrations
• Kootingal Christmas Celebrations

The streets have been chosen in the centre of the towns and they are located near local businesses to provide an increased opportunity for exposure. The street closures will allow the events to expand and create a more exciting atmosphere.

Proudly funded by the NSW Government, these events will be delivered by January 2025, ensuring that they are free, open, and accessible to all members of the community.
For more information about upcoming events, please visit www.tamworthregion.com.au.


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