2024-25 Heritage Assistance Fund Application Form

A Regional Heritage Assistance Fund has been established by Tamworth Regional Council with the aid of a grant from the NSW Heritage Office. There is a total of approximately $50,000 available under the fund which is supported by Tamworth Regional Council and the NSW Government.

Applications open on Monday 13 May 2024 and close on Friday July 12 2024 at 5:00pm.

Click here to read the Heritage Assistance Fund Terms and Conditions (PDF 86.1KB)

Should you require any further information please contact Sam Lobsey or Lisa Rennie 6767 5421.


Aim of the fund

The aim of the fund is to encourage as much positive work on heritage listed items or those in a heritage precinct in the region. This program will provide kickstart funding to encourage the joint funding of a number of projects. In the process, it is hoped that it will engender greater interest and concern for conservation for all heritage items within the region. 

Invitation to apply

Owners of heritage buildings or buildings in a heritage precinct in the region, particularly those located in former shire areas of Parry, Manilla, Barraba and Nundle are invited to apply. It is essential that you prepare the best application possible because of the limited funds available.

Eligible projects

Projects which involve the repair, maintenance or reinstatement of missing items on heritage buildings or buildings in a heritage precinct are eligible. These might include fences, verandahs, roof cladding and/or decorative detail. Projects might also include structural work through to final painting of projects. 

Projects not funded

Funding will generally not be provided for the following projects: where assistance is reasonably available from another source; where substantial assistance has been previously provided by the NSW Government or where the applicant has yet to complete other assisted projects; purchase of a building, site or movable item; a new addition to a heritage building (including new internal fittings such as new kitchens and bathrooms); the relocation of a heritage building or work on a relocated building; work on a government owned building still used for a government purpose.

Assessment Criteria
Please tick the boxes that apply to you

Have you ticked two or more of the above boxes?

If so, you are eligible to continue this application.
Applicants details
Location of Proposed Works
The proposal
Is the property heritage listed?* - required
Note: The minimum level of funding per project is $500 and the maximum level of funding available will be determined by the number of applications received/approved.

Amount sought must be matched dollar for dollar by Applicant.
Supporting documentation

You will need to obtain and provide at least one quote but it is preferred if you can provide two quotes.

Proof of Tradespersons Qualifications

Please supply proof of tradespersons qualifications such as a copy of their licence number.

This is not required if your quote has the licence number or some form of proof listed on it.

Plans/sketches of the proposed works

Please upload plans/sketches if the work you are proposing is of a construction nature.

Photographs of existing structure

Take photographs of the existing setting of the building, each elevation and closeups of any particular job to be done. Please upload .jpeg or .png file types.

It is a condition of the grant funding that before (at the time of submitting the Application) and after (if you are a successful Applicant – claim for payment) photos are provided.
Samples of finished materials/colours

Upload a document or image that shows samples of finished materials and colours.
Historical background of the property

Upload a document that explains the historical background of the property.
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan.
Mandatory field(s) marked with *


Promotion of the funding program

Photos associated with the completed project works will be used for promotional material and reporting purposes. 

Tamworth Regional Heritage Awards

Those projects that are successfully completed under the funding program will automatically be nominated for the Tamworth Regional Heritage Awards in 2026.

Timing of projects

Approval for projects will be issued in mid-late July 2024 and successful applicants will have until April 2025 to complete their project.

Background research

It will assist your case if you can properly demonstrate why the work you propose is appropriate from a heritage point of view. To do this you may need to do some research eg. Council or the Library may have information on the building, or you may be able to obtain photographs. The Heritage Advisor may also have some suggestions to follow up.

Plans and sketches

Depending on the size of the job you may need these to attach to your application for funding.


It is a condition of the funding that before and after photographs of the project are provided to Council.

Please ensure before photographs are provided at the time of lodging your application with after photographs to be provided at the time of submitting your claim (should you be the successful applicant)