2024 Local Legends Awards Nomination

Local Legends Awards

The Tamworth Regional Council’s ‘Local Legends Awards’ 2024 recognise the invaluable contribution of individuals and groups who have contributed to the Tamworth regional community. 

How to Make a Nomination

All nominations must be made on the official Council nomination form on the Tamworth Regional Council website within the period that nominations are open. Nominations are open from 3rd September 2024.

If you are nominating for more than one award you must submit a new nomination form for each award.

If you are unable to complete the form online you can visit your local Library or Community Centre for support completing the nomination form. If you need assistance finding your closest facility, please contact Council’s customer service number 6767 5555.

The following nomination criteria must be met:

  • Nominees (individual) must be residents of the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government area;

  • Nominees (organisation) must be based in the Tamworth Regional Council Local Government are; 

  • Posthumous nominations cannot be accepted;
  • Past recipients of an award are eligible to nominate and receive an award;

  • Individuals and organisations can nominate themselves;

  • Council run facilities and programs as well as council staff working within these programs are ineligible for nomination. Individuals that are not employees of Tamworth Regional Council and are working within these facilities or programs are, however, eligible for a nomination.  
  • Assessment of the nominations will be conducted on the provided information in the nomination form only;

  • Decision of the assessment panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Assessment Process

An independent panel of seven judges will assess nominations. Selecting 5 finalists per category inclusive of the award winner. With the exemption of 'Local Legend of the Year' award and 'Gift of Time' recognition, see Terms and conditions below for more details.

Awards Presentation

Awards will be presented at the Tamworth Community Centre in a presentation ceremony beginning at 10am Thursday 21 November, 2024.

All finalists will be invited to the Awards presentation and further details will be forthcoming prior to the Award ceremony.

Terms and Conditions

2024 Terms and Conditions (PDF 259KB)

2024 Australia Day Award Terms & Conditions (PDF 172.3KB)

Nominations close Thursday, 17 October 2024 5:00pm


Select the Award that you are nominating for. Please consider the criteria for the award (Criteria will appear below). The criteria is also listed in the Terms and Conditions at the top of this page. 

You can only nominate for one award per application. If you would like to nominate for an additional award, please complete a separate application. 

Access Award (individual) Criteria

This award recognises an individual who has worked particularly hard on championing a culture of accessibility and inclusion in our community and has actively made a difference in improving access for people with disability.

The activities deserving of an Individual Access Award include:

  • A person who through leadership and/or self-advocacy has influenced the practice of others to increase the inclusion of people with disability;
  • Development of new and innovative programs, or strengthening of existing programs, to promote the inclusion of people with disability in the community;
  • A person who advocates, creates social enterprise or strategic partnerships to increase employment and economic opportunities for people with disability; 
  • Someone who works to create more social, economic and civic opportunities for people with disability.


Access Award (business or community) Criteria

This award recognises the contributions of a community group or business towards building an accessible and inclusive community through removing basic environmental barriers for people living with a disability.

The activities deserving of a Community Group or Business Access Award could be in the areas of:

  • Changing community attitudes;
  • Improving buildings and infrastructure;
  • Enhancing communication (for example, access to the internet);
  • Increasing the active participation of people with disability in the community;
  • Or supporting access to meaningful employment.

 Examples of work may include:

  • Outstanding efforts to promote positive attitudes and challenge negative stereotypes about people with disability, for example awareness campaigns and media;
  • Improving buildings and infrastructure such as schools, shopping centres or recreational facilities so that they are more inclusive of all people with disability;
  • Increasing the active participation of people with disability within the community that they identify with. This may include initiatives which have influenced the practice, policy or programs of community organisations providing services to diverse groups.
Volunteer of the Year Award (youth, 24 years and under) Criteria

This award recognises both the time and commitment of individuals (youth, 24 years and under) to volunteering and their community.

The activities deserving of this award include:

  • Important aspects of the nominee’s volunteer work, such as obstacles overcome; innovation; initiative; dedication; broader benefits the volunteer brought to the organisation;
  • Volunteer behaviour aligned to the organisation values;
  • How long has the volunteer been with the organisation – provide details of the Volunteer placement duration and volunteer hours.
Volunteer of the Year Award (adult, 25 to 64 years of age inclusive) Criteria

This award recognises both the time and commitment of individuals (adult, 25 to 64 years of age inclusive) to volunteering and their community.

The activities deserving of this award include:

  • Important aspects of the nominee’s volunteer work, such as obstacles overcome; innovation; initiative; dedication; broader benefits the volunteer brought to the organisation;
  • Volunteer behaviour aligned to the organisation values;
  • How long has the volunteer been with the organisation – provide details of the Volunteer placement duration and volunteer hours.
Volunteer of the Year Award (adult, 65 years and older)

This award recognises both the time and commitment of individuals (adult, 65 years and older) to volunteering and their community.

The activities deserving of this award include:

  • Important aspects of the nominee’s volunteer work, such as obstacles overcome; innovation; initiative; dedication; broader benefits the volunteer brought to the organisation;
  • Volunteer behaviour aligned to the organisation values;
  • How long has the volunteer been with the organisation – provide details of the Volunteer placement duration and volunteer hours.
Excellence in Sustainability Award (community or individual) Criteria

This award recognises the contribution of an individual or community group in championing sustainability within the Tamworth local government area. Their actions are positively influencing the way they or the community are living now, or will live in the future, in a way that does not risk the needs of generations to come. While Sustainability is a broad term, this award will focus on the areas of water, waste, energy and carbon emissions.

The activities deserving of the Sustainability Award could include (but are not limited to):

  • An individual or community group who has influenced, through leadership and/or self-advocacy, others to increase their awareness and/or participation around Sustainability.
  • The development of new programs or strengthening existing programs that promote sustainability.
  • An individual or community group, who has reduced the impacts of human activity on the environment to protect it for future generations.
  • A project or projects which aim to reduce, reuse or recycle in the areas of energy, waste, water and carbon emissions for the benefit of the wider community or which aligns with one of the five United Nationals Sustainable Development Goals of which Tamworth Regional Council relates its Sustainability Strategy to;   

o  affordable and clean energy;

o   good health and wellbeing;

o   sustainable cities and communities;

o   responsible consumption and production; and

o   clean water and sanitation.

  • An individual or community group who works to ensure more sustainable opportunities are created for all residents of the Tamworth region.
Excellence in Performing Arts Award (community or individual) Criteria

This award recognises an individual or community group who has worked to champion excellence in the performing arts in our community and has actively made a difference to deliver excellence in the performing arts.

The activities recognising excellence in the performing arts include:

  • A community group/ person who through leadership and/or self-advocacy who has influenced excellence in the performing arts;
  • Development of new and innovative art programs / artistic outcomes, or strengthening of existing programs / outcomes, to promote excellence in the performing arts;
  • A community group / person who advocates, creates social enterprise or strategic partnerships to increase excellence in the performing arts;
  • A community group / person who works to create more social, economic and civic opportunities in the performing arts.
Excellence in Visual Arts Award (community or individual) Criteria

This award recognises an individual or community group who has worked to champion excellence in the visual arts in our community and has actively made a difference to deliver excellence in the visual arts.

The activities recognising excellence in the visual arts include:

  • A community group / person who through leadership and/or self-advocacy who has influenced excellence in the visual arts;
  • Development of new and innovative art programs / artistic outcomes, or strengthening of existing programs / outcomes, to promote excellence in the visual arts;
  • A community group / person who advocates, creates social enterprise or strategic partnerships to increase excellence in the visual arts;
  • A community group / person who works to create more social, economic and civic opportunities in the visual arts.
Community Inclusion Award (community or individual) Criteria

This award recognises an individual or community group who has worked to champion inclusion in our community.

The activities recognising community inclusion include:

  • A community group / person who through leadership and/or self-advocacy has made their community more inclusive;
  • Development of new and innovative ways of making the community more inclusive;
  • A community group / person who advocates, creates social enterprise or strategic partnerships to increase inclusion.
Gift of Time Recognition Criteria

Gift of Time recognises the total amount of hours volunteered with a group or organisation and the amount of registered volunteers an organisation or group has. Members of the community and any organisation with volunteers are invited to put forward the names of community volunteers and organisations to ensure they receive the recognition that they deserve.

Local Legend of the Year Award
The ‘Local Legend of the Year Award’ is the top accolade in the Local Legends Awards and is decided by the judging panel based on entries from across all categories.
Nominee Details

Nominee - An individual, business or a group who is being nominated as a candidate for an award.

Nominee Parent/Guardian Details
If the Nominee is aged under 18 years, please also provide parent/guardian details below
Nominator Details

Nominator - An individual, business or a group who submits a nomination for review.

If you are nominating yourself and have entered your details above as the Nominee, please also enter your details below as the Nominator.

Nominator Parent/Guardian Details
If the Nominator is aged under 18 years, please also provide parent/guardian details below
Gift of Time Recognition Questions
Reason for Nomination
Please describe below the reasons for your nomination. Please consider all achievements by the nominee, considering the assessment criteria and any other information which may help the selection committee in their decision.
Terms and Conditions

The Local Legends Awards are an initiative of Tamworth Regional Council

Self Nomination

Media Consent

For definitions and full consent information, please click here

Media Conditions and limitations (tick those if any that apply)

Privacy Statement

Personal information supplied to or collected by Tamworth Regional Council will only be stored and processed by Council for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of Council.  Any personal information supplied will only be disclosed to a third party for the purpose of performing a lawful function or activity and for no other purpose. Disclosure of personal information to a third party will be in accordance with Tamworth Regional Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 331.7KB).

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