Shaping the future of Nundle and Hanging Rock

Thursday 2 May 2024

Tamworth Regional Council is pleased to announce the release of two draft masterplans for public exhibition, aimed at guiding the growth and development of key recreation areas in Nundle and Hanging Rock, into the future. These plans have been developed following engagement with key community stakeholders from each area, to better understand the overarching needs and wants of these communities.

One draft masterplan is tailored to the Nundle Recreation Ground and Peel River Park, with the other focusing on Sheba Dams and Hanging Rock Lookout.

Council’s Sports & Recreation Strategy Officer Samuel Eriksson, acknowledges the key role local community members will play in providing feedback on these documents.

“It is really important for the community to engage and provide their feedback on these plans over the next month, so we know what areas they want to see brought to life in the future”.

The Nundle draft masterplan proposes actions such as a toilet block upgrade, outdoor fitness equipment, footpath lights, picnic tables, cricket practice nets, a viewing deck at the river and more.

The Sheba Dams and Hanging Rock masterplan proposes actions such as improved signage, an art trail, walking track upgrades, BBQ’s, lookout improvements and even a pontoon at Sheba Dams.

Both plans also outline projected timeframes for each of these improvements to be undertaken in the short, medium and long term, spanning for more than 11 years.

Eriksson has said “Council recognises the importance of community input in shaping the future of these areas, to help drive what locals want to see built or developed in years to come. I strongly encourage people to provide their opinion on the draft masterplans so they become a true reflection of what people want to see”.

The draft masterplans will be on public exhibition from 9am, Thursday 2 May, 2024 – 5pm Thursday 30 May, 2024. There will be an information pop-up in Nundle on Sunday 5 May, where people can speak to Council in person about the plans. Feedback can also be provided online via or by contacting Council on 6767 5555 or