Stage One (5 March 2025 – 5 May 2025)
A panel will be convened in July 2025 to make an initial selection of artists. The factors they will consider will include:
Artistic expression—works that reflect a diversity of cultural ideas
Collaboration— works that extend practice through an engagement with innovation and technology
Creative Process—works that question convention through process and technique
Communication—through playful enquiry, works that employ a rich visual language through narrative and image
Materiality—works that demonstrate sensitivity to the innate and unique qualities that textiles offer: tactility, structure, surface, colour, attention to detail, pattern, a rich history
Interrelated—works that move between disciplines, traditions and contemporary.
Stage Two (June, 2025)
Artists selected in Stage One will be invited to submit a detailed proposal in response to a theme to be determined by the curator. The curator will also arrange a suitable time to visit with artists in their studio.
Stage Three (August, 2025)
Artists selected for the 6th Tamworth Textile Triennial will be advised early August.